The Writing Power Review is designed as a complete, intensive practice course in preparation for STAAR testing or retesting.
Power Review Structure
The Writing Power Review is divided into 10 lessons which are designed to utilize a one-hour instructional time block. This format can be used for regular classroom instruction, tutorials, or summer school. A lesson guide is included for 10 days of instruction:
- Lessons 1-8 include review activities which address TEKS that are included in the assessed curriculum. In lessons 1-6, there is a Tip of the Day related to the spelling TEKS.
- Lessons 1-3 focus on the editing process. This includes editing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling, as well as writing and using a variety of complete sentences.
- Lessons 4-6 focus on the revision process. This includes revising drafts to improve sentence structure and word choice. These lessons also address effective introductions, transitions, and conclusions, as well as engaging ideas and relevant details.
- Lessons 7-8 focus on the composition portion of the STAAR — the extended constructed response. Students receive instruction and practice in responding to a single passage or a pair of passages.
- Lessons 9 is a final assessment which includes editing and revision questions and a prompt for an extended constructed response.
- Lessons 10 allows time for students to review their answers to the final assessment in order to gain a better understanding of the assessed TEKS.
Lesson Structure
- The Tip of the Day reviews common spelling rules.
- Mini-Lessons are used to review topics.
- Anchor charts in the student book address key concepts. Review these with your students as they complete the activities and assessments for each topic.
- Activities include large group, small group, partner, and individual experiences in which concepts are reinforced.
- Formative Assessments and STAAR Practice materials give students multiple opportunities to “show what they know.” After the students read the selections and answer the questions, it is imperative that you take time as a class to discuss and analyze the questions. This helps students understand exactly what the question is asking, why the correct answer is correct, and why the other answer choices are incorrect.
Teacher Edition Structure
- Teacher Notes supply detailed instructions for gathering and preparing materials for each day and include step-by-step explanations of instructional activities.
- The Side-by-Side Layout allows the teacher to see the sequence of instruction as it relates to the content of the Student Edition.
- Text Analyses provide a detailed analysis of every question and the answer choices.
Student Edition Structure
- Consumable: Students are free to write and take notes in their books.
- Complete: With the exception of a few activities, all student material is included in the student books.
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