Every Step Up to the TEKS Writing Practice Book is written specifically for the new writing TEKS. The books are not simply aligned to the TEKS. Rather, they have been developed for the sole purpose of teaching the TEKS.
Our books are developed based on the latest findings in educational research and include activities, guided practice, and partner practice, along with formative assessments for feedback throughout the learning cycle. The books use short passages to focus on individual concepts and include full-length passages to facilitate mixed practice of the newly-adopted ELAR TEKS. All of the writing TEKS are addressed in our writing practice books.
Each activity and question in this teacher’s edition is keyed to a TEKS. Since all of the Writing TEKS are part of Strand 6 of the ELAR TEKS, we do not list the strand for each lesson. Instead, we indicate the part of the writing process that is being reviewed. The teacher edition also includes analyses of multiple choice questions to encourage students to gather information and draw conclusions based on evidence.
Lesson Cycle Format
The writing books contain the following sections:
- (WU) Warm-Up
- (TL) TEKS Lesson
- (GP) Guided Practice
- (PP) Partner Practice
- (FA) Formative Assessment (Independent Practice)
- (FL) Full-Length Passage
The lessons provided follow the same format. As you teach each lesson, the basic format is provided below.
This will be a TEKS that has already been taught in a previous grade. An activity may be included with the
TEKS Lesson
This may be an anchor chart or a page within the lesson that needs to be projected using a document camera,
or an anchor chart can be created to hang in the classroom. Go over the “Why do I need to know this?” for
each lesson after going over any anchor chart.
Guided Practice
Complete the Guided Practice as a class — discuss with students how the boxes contain questions directly
related to the writing TEKS being taught.
The Guided Practice is the direct teach for each lesson. Teachers will work with students in order to
ensure that they understand the TEKS before they work with a partner and on the independent work.
Lessons are designed to guide students to understand the writing TEKS.
Partner Practice
Pair students to complete the Partner Practice — review responses when complete.
Teachers will explain to students what to do on each Partner Practice and provide materials if
needed. Students will work with their partner to complete the practice, and then teachers will review
the answers once it has been completed. Any issues students are still having should be addressed at
this time in order for students to be successful on the Independent Practice.
Independent Practice
Instruct students to complete the Formative Assessment on their own — review responses when complete.
Teachers will give students time to complete the Independent Practice and then review the answers
with students.
The teaching notes provide specifics for how individual lessons are to be completed, as well as any materials that may be needed for the students.
Full-Length Passages
Full-length passages for editing and revision provide mixed practice of the writing TEKS in a longer
passage with questions that mirror STAAR format.
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Accompanies the 6th Writing Practice Teacher Edition.