8th Math Assessment SE


Each Assessment Book comes with TWO Blueprint Benchmarks and FourCategory Tests of 20 questions per test.  Everyone question in the Assessment Books was written specifically for the New Math TEKS.  The Teacher Editions and Student Editions are designed to be used in conjunction with one another.  The books contain the following sections:

  • Blueprint Benchmark Forms A and B (SE)
  • Category Tests for Reporting Categories 1, 2, 3, and 4 (SE)
  • Answer Form (SE), Answer Key (TE)
  • Items Broken Down by Category (SE and TE)
  • STAAR Chart for Visual Representation of Data by Category (SE)
  • Item Analysis to be used as a follow up (TE) 

All Teacher Editions (TE) are reproducible. The TE contains an answer key, an answer key by category, and the Item Analysis section that can be used as a re-teach after the Benchmark.  Student Editions (SE) are sold as consumables with a minimum order of 20 books.  The SE contains the two benchmarks, four category tests, answer forms, and a STAAR Chart for progress monitoring.



View a Sample of the 8th Math Assessment Student Edition by sending an email to info@stepupteks.com asking for the password.


Accompanies the 8th Math Assessment Teacher Edition.