New TEKS, New Format
All Step Up to the TEKS books are updated to meet the TEA specifications for the tested Math TEKS starting in the 2014-15 school year. The format of the books has changed and now include more information to help both teachers and students find success by focusing on the TEKS and not just the test. The books now contain the following sections:
- Background Information containing TEKS, vertical alignment, TEKS specifications, vocabulary, and essential question
- Teaching Model (SE and TE with teacher notes)
- Essential Questions (SE and TE with teacher note)
- Guided Practice (SE and TE with teacher notes)
- Independent Practice with STAAR formatted and Open Ended for each tested TEKS with an emphasis on the Readiness TEKS (SE)
- Activity per TEKS (TE)
- Answer Key (TE)
All Teacher Editions (TE) are reproducible. Student Editions (SE) are sold as consumables with a minimum order of 20 books.
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Accompanies the 3rd Math Practice Teacher Edition.